Monday, June 24, 2013

saya masak : marble cake


Hi pretty people.

Dah lama kan tak update resipi kat sini. So this time saya nak update resipi marble cake yang sangattttt menjadi. Dah banyak kali buat marble cake ni. My all time favorite. Banyak resipi dah cuba tapi resipi kali ni adalah a big success. Kek lembutttt sangat. Selalunye keras kejung. Maybe sebab saya tambah vegetable oil instead of just butter. Resipi adalah hasil google adhoc from the net since adik saya teringin sangat nak makan marble cake. Tapi saya tambah a few things based on readers reviews on the recipe. Saya buat dua version, 1 big cake & cuppies since loyang saya kecik comel lote je so ada banyak batter yang lebih. Here goes the recipe.

Marble Cake
Credit : food network

1 cup unsalted butter (2 sticks), plus more for the pan
1/2 cup vegetable oil - saya tambah
2 cups sugar
4 large eggs
1 cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 1/2 cups flour, plus more for the pan
2 teaspoons baking powder
Pinch salt
3 tablespoons cocoa powder, sifted - saya guna 4 tbsp cocoa powder since i loveeee chocolates!
1 cup shredded coconut - saya tak letak

1. Butter and flour a straight-walled 10-inch tube pan. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
2. In a standing mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, cream the butter until light and fluffy. Add the sugar and continue to mix well. Add the eggs 1 at a time and beat until incorporated.
3. In a bowl, whisk together the milk and vanilla. In another bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, and salt.
4. Reduce the mixer's speed to low. Alternately add the flour and milk mixture until a smooth batter is formed.
5. Transfer 1/3 of the batter to a bowl and whisk in the cocoa powder. Stir the coconut into the remaining batter.
6. Pour the coconut batter into the pan; then spoon the chocolate batter around. Run a knife through the batter, cutting the batters together to create a marbled effect. (Do not stir.) Bake until a toothpick inserted into the middle of the cake comes out clean, about 1 hour 15 minutes. (saya bakar 55 minutes for the big cake & 45 minutes for the cupcakes)
7. Let the cake cool in the pan. Invert the cake onto a stand or plate, slice, and serve.


Thursday, June 20, 2013

baby and such : baby's toiletries - additives free


Hi pretty people.

33 weeks to date. Dah pegi jumpa gynae di Hospital Pantai Sg. Petani hari Isnin haritu. InshaAllah akan bersalin dengan Dr. June, the gynae. 1st time jumpe rasa macam tak berapa nak ade chemistry. huhu. Tapi memang cukup sabar melayan saya yang asyik bertanye itu ini. Maklum lah 1st timer. I have zero knowledge on this. Berat baby dah 1.9kg. Gynae cakap my baby can reach up to 3kg by the time I'm going for a normal labor. Okkkkkkkk. Need to do the perineum massage more often lah camni. Kepala baby dah turun ke bawah and uri dah ke atas and baby pon dah engaged. Alhamdulillah. InshaAllah, dengan keizinan Allah, boleh bersalin normal. Semoga dipermudahkan. So that's all about my pregnancy.

Kali ini saya nak bercerita pasal baby's toiletries. Ada banyak sangat pilihan di luar sana. Dari harga semurah-murahnye hingga lah ke harga yang lagi mahal dari adult toiletries. Famous brands of course lah Johnson & Johnson, Pureen, Anakku. Tapi ingredients untuk produk-produk komersil camni adalah sedikit meragukan bagi saya, seorang ibu yang OCD. Most of the famous & komersil produk ada paraben, SLES & SLS which are not good for the baby. Boleh google for more info on it.

Unfortunately, product yang free additives and chemicals adalah sangat mahal hoccayyyyy. Menangis gak la kalo nak beli. Banyak kali saya terfikir should I go for all those famous products but not chemical-free which are soo cheap during baby expo & warehouse sale or should I become the best mommy in the world and splurging on those expensive and baby-friendly products. hmmm...

Namun, akhirnya saya terjumpa juga dengan produk yang mampu milik, though it's not as cheap as Annakku, Pureen and such, tapi still affordable kalo dibeli masa promotion.

Teddie baby range dari Cosway. Saya tak beli semua nye sekali gus. Saya beli masa ade promotion. Boleh dikatakan every month akan ada promotion untuk teddie baby product. Tapi kena daftar ahli Cosway dulu lah ye.

Dah siap susun dalam toilteries bag. Beg ni pon beli kat Cosway jugak. Masa ada promotion. Yang peket oren tu Pureen wet wipes, paraben & fragrance free. Ada jugak minyak Yuu Yee terselit di sit. Hehe.
Till then, assalamualaikum.


Monday, June 03, 2013

baby and such : after 2 months went MIA.


Hi pretty people.

Lama ehhh saya cuti. hehe. Super busy with work. Tunggang langgang tertonggeng tonggeng ngan keje. huhu. Banyak jugak missions yang dah accomplished sepanjang 2 bulan menghilang ni.

Masuk minggu ni dah 31 minggu. Sekejap je. Tambah tolak lebih kurang dari sebulan nak bersalin. InshaAllah. I cannot mention this to my husband pasal nanti dia yang terlebih cuak. Mama rilek-rilek jek. Ayah pulak yang sampai tak lena tido. Masa last check up during my 29 weeks, doktor dah suruh standby beg mama & baby nak ke hospital and pilih hospital untuk follow up. Beg mama dah 90% ready. Bag baby... emmm... Lom start lagi. haha. Hari-hari husband bising dok tanya bila nak siapkan beg baby. Mood belum sampai! Hospital untuk follow up. Impian nya nak follow up dan bersalin kat Annur Hasanah Bangi. Tapi memandangkan saya akan bersalin kat Kedah so saya pilih hospital yang dekat dengan rumah je la. InshaAllah akan sambung follow up di HUKM Specialist.

Last month saya dah buat 3D detailed scan di Poliklinik Annisa Seri Kembangan dengan Jezzlyn. Tapi sedih pasal muka baby tak nampak. Baby asik tido and sembunyi kat uri. Puas laaaaa Jezzlyn tepuk-tepuk perut and pujuk-pujuk baby tapi baby memang takde mood kot aritu. Tido siap nguap-nguap lagi. Amboihhh! Perangai cam mama. Itu pasti! hehe. Memandangkan muka tak nampak so scan pada hari tu adalah FOC. Tapi Jezzlyn explain jugak baby growth report dan alhamdulillah pembesaran baby sume nye ikut graph. Syukur ya Allah.

Aritu ada cerita kan pasal set bersalin yang menjadi tanda tanya di hati? Read. Saya dah pon wat keputusan dan dh start guna pon. Hehe.

Taa-daa! RM360. Harini order. Esoknye dah sampai. Sangat cepat. The best part was I got 1 bottle of VCO for FOC bersempena Mother's Day. Alhamduillah. Saya order set ni minggu lepas and baru je lepas check semula page Tanamera and the offer had ended! Memang rezeki mama & baby le nih. :) Saya dah start guna VCO untuk perineum massage & herbal massage oil untuk urut kaki yang membengkak dengan jayanya. Review menyusul lepas saya dah try sume product ye. Saya order di sini.
So, itu lah dia rangkuman berita terkumpul selama 2 bulan ni. I will try my best to update more often. InshaAllah. Till then, assalamualaikum.



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