Hi pretty people.
Saya tengah survey set bersalin/set berpantang. Since this is my 1st pregnancy so saya memang takde pengalaman mencuba mana-mana set bersalin. So my decision will be solely made based on other people reviews. After lotsa googling, reading, daydreaming, eh! I had finalized 2 set bersalin to put under my consideration.
Tanamera vs Nona Roguy
Tanamera Post Natal Care Set
RM360 (West Malaysia)
1st thing 1st, we go straight to the official website for more accurate details.
Official website
Serba sedikit tentang produk Tanamera Post Natal Care Set :
- Are formulated based on traditional Malay, Chinese and Ayurvedic postnatal treatments to provide a natural solution for new mother’s body to heal from the inside-out in a balanced manner, hormonally and physically.
- Are made from plant-based 100% natural ingredients with emphasis on the use of tropical herbs and essential oils, with no artificial coloring, fragrance, preservative, toxic chemical nor ‘jamu’ which are harmful to babies.
- Are designed to provide care during pregnancy to help prepare for smoother delivery, and care during confinement to help new mothers rest, recover and rejuvenate to prepregnancy body and shape, in the shortest time possible.
- Are breastfeeding friendly and with aromatherapy effect to calm and soothe new mothers to faster recovery.
Each set consists of 11 products :
1. Cold Pressed Virgin Coconut Oil
Prenatal Use:
- To prevent stretch marks, apply on damp skin.
- To prepare for smoother, easier delivery with minimal or no perineal tearing and need for episiotomy, massage VCO on perineum area and consume few weeks before expected delivery date.
- To prevent constipation, consume daily.
- To fade stretch marks.
- To soothe and prevent cracked nipples, apply on damp skin.
- To prevent constipation, consume daily.
- As a baby massage oil.
2. Brown Formulation Soap
- Gently removes dead skin cells and stimulates blood circulation.
- Improves overall skin condition.
- Effective in removing brown spots on neck, underarm, inner thighs, abdomen and relieving skin rashes.
3. Herbal Massage Oil
- An all-natural oil infused with lemongrass and other tropical herbs.
- Stimulates blood circulation, promotes release of water retention and flatulence.
- Stimulates metabolism
- Assists the lymphatic system for the elimination of wastes throughout the body.
- Nourishes and revitalizes for smooth and supple skin.
- Aromatherapy effects to calm and relax.
- Relief to back pain, stiff shoulder and neck, swollen and puffy ankles.
- Ideal for Prenatal and Postnatal massage. Do not apply on the breasts for breastfeeding moms.
4. Lavender Flower Water
- For hydrating dry skin and cooling hot, sensitized skin.
- Help diminish puffy and dark circles under the eyes. Soak cotton wool pads and cover eyes for 10 minutes for immediate and dramatic reduction in puffiness.
- As natural toner for dry sensitive skin.
- A mixture of herbs rich in essential oils, anti inflammatory and anti bacterial properties.
- Promotes healing of stitches, reduces swelling.
- Contracts genital tissues, promotes strengthening of vaginal muscles.
- Keeps genital area clean, deodorized, fresh and cool.
- Excellent for white discharge.
- A traditional blend of highly aromatic herbs rich with essential oils and with anti-inflammatory properties.
- Contains a blend of warming herbs.
- Refreshes, re-energizes, and deodorizes the body.
- Soothes tired and aching muscles and relieves minor skin problems.
- Promotes release of flatulence.
- A breastfeeding friendly warming tea that does not contain any caffeine to help new mothers recover after childbirth.
- Promotes flow of breast milk.
- Warms the body and stimulates internal circulation.
- Promotes discharge of blood clots from the uterus during the bleeding period after childbirth.
- Reduces inflammation of uterus and genital area.
- Relieves constipation.
- Promotes release of water retention and flatulence.
- A traditional paste made of a blend of tropical herbs to strengthen and firm stomach muscles from the inside-out.
- Use with the abdominal wrap (bengkung) for best results.
- Promotes release of water retention.
- Stimulates blood flow to the abdominal area and tones loose abdominal skin.
- Strengthens and firms stomach muscles.
- Reduces blemishes and dark spots that may appear on the abdomen.
- Provides full support from below the breast down to the hip and buttocks to aid in the release of water retention.
- Provide firm control of flabby, sagging abdominal skin.
- For the recovery and firming of the abdominal muscles and tissues.
- For the toning of stretched skin in the torso region.
- Encouragement of the uterus to shrink and recover to its pre-pregnancy size.
- Supports back posture while breastfeeding.
- A traditionally blended paste.
- Refreshes tired eyes and mind due to lack of sleep or stress.
- Gives clarity and a sense of peace.
- Relieves migraine.
- A combination of herbs with warming properties.
- Energizes and rejuvenates a tired mother’s body.
- Stimulates blood circulation.
- Releases water retention.
- Lightens pigmentation caused by hormonal change, example dark spots around abdomen, neck, underarm and inner thighs.
- With aromatherapy effect.
Based on the product details, semua product adalah untuk kegunaan luaran which is good pasal i am planning to fully breastfeed my baby. Orang cakap kalo makan-makan jamu bagai ni tak sesuai untuk breast feed. Nanti baby panas & senang kena jaundice aka demam kuning.
So here's reviews dari mommies yang dah pernah guna Tanamera products. Credit to all mommies. :)
Mana nak beli?
Nona Roguy : Rangkaian Herbanika Bersalin
RM365 (Harga berbeza-beza. Yang ini refer to website Nona Roguy. Kalau rajin survey boleh dapat sampai 200++ siap dengan free gift lagi)
Official website
Mengandungi :
* PhytoNatal - dalam bentuk tablet untuk dimakan
* Akar Herbanika - dalam bentuk paket dan perlu dicampur air untuk diminum
* Minyak Herbanika - minyak sapuan pada perut, pinggang dan badan
* Herbanika barut - sapuan pada perut dan pinggang
* Uncang Cuci Herbanika - untuk jagaan kebersihan dan kesegaran wanita
* Herbanika Lulur - untuk menyental kulit, kehalusan dan kebersihan kulit
1. PhytoNatal - 90 biji
- Digunakan secara tradisional untuk menguatkan badan dan mengurangkan berat badan selepas bersalin.
2. Akar Herbanika - 10 paket
- Digunakan secara tradisional untuk menambahkan khasiat pemakanan terutama ibu-ibu lepas bersalin, bagi menguat dan menyegarkan anggota badan, juga digunakan secara tradisional bagi lelaki dan wanita melawaskan pembuangan air kecil, membantu mengurangkan, keletihan dan sakit-sakit sendi.
3. Minyak Herbanika - 100 ml
- Digunakan secara tradisional untuk kesegaran ibu-ibu dalam pantang bersalin, menguatkan otot, melegakan batuk dan sakit anggota badan dan sendi, memperlancarkan peredaran darah dan mengurangkan kahak.
- Sapu Minyak Herbanika di pinggang, perut, bahagian ari-ari dan celah-celah peha. Sangat mujarab digunakan untuk urutan. Boleh guna bengkung (jika perlu), ikat selesa.
4. Herbanika barut (krim) - 60gm
- Digunakan secara tradisional untuk mengencangkan kembali otot-otot perut terutamanya bagi wanita selepas bersalin. Juga digunakan untuk membantu melegakan sakit sendi dan otot.
- Digunakan dua kali sehari pada sebelah pagi selepas mandi dan pada sebelah malam (sebelum tidur).
- Picit sekurang-kurangnya 2 inci Krim Herbanika Barut dan sapukan ke sekeliling perut dan pinggang serta bahagian yang dikehendaki. Kemudian ikat dengan mengunakan kain barut.
5. Uncang Cuci Herbanika - 10 paket
- Digunakan secara tradisional sebagai air cebok untuk kebersihan kesihatan dan kesegaran wanita untuk melegakan keputihan dan gatal-gatal ringan.
6. Herbanika Lulur - 100 gram
- Digunakan secara tradisional untuk kesihatan kulit.
Kalau baca reviews, ramai yang cakap set NR sangat bagus untuk menguruskan badan selepas bersalin and it works! alahaiiiii...teruja nyeeeee. Tapi dalam set ni jugak ada 2 jenis product yang kena consume dan berasaskan herba. Saya kurang sket kalo kena consume ni pasal memang tak bape nak boleh masuk sangat herba-herba dalam tekak. Plus, risau jugak kalau baby affected nanti. Tapi set ni takde bengkung & pilis. Kena lah beli asing.
Mana nak beli?
http://charmsandcolors.blogspot.com/ << best price so far
(Nona Roguy memang dijual dengan meriahnye di internet. Just google for it dan pilihlah yang mana berkenan di hati. Kalau pandai pilih, dapat lah yang murah plus free gift. huhu)
Konklusinye, saya still rambang mata dan tak boleh nak decide which one to get. Tanamera so far memang takde bad reviews. All positive. Nona Roguy pulak tersangat lah ramai pengguna yang dah cuba dan memang berkesan untuk kurus kan badan. Tapi NR berasaskan jamu. Ada orang tak sesuai, panas badan & baby pon panas badan & jaundice. Ada juga mommies yang review takde mengalami panas badan & baby pon OK. Maybe bergantung pada mommy tu sendiri jugak kot.
Korang pilih yang mana?
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