Thursday, October 11, 2012

wedding and such : ombre wedding cakes


hi lovelies.

i am getting married next month, inshaAllah. saya banyak cerita pasal my wedding and such kat my wordpress blog. since it's no longer accessible, i will continue my journey to happiness here. :)

i wanna talk about wedding cakes. yeay! kalo last year, wedding cake yang paling meletops kebabom adelah rainbow cake aka kek dian pelangi. and this year, ombre cake is the most in cake. konsep nye macam rainbow cake, layers, except ombre consists of only 1 color with different shades or gradients while rainbow cake, well of course, colorful. duh! but, what makes this ombre cake so unique is the frosting! to me, the frosting is like a work of art. so cantek, so artistic, so sayang nak makan. my fave is the wave/ruffles frosting.

so girls, lets ombre-ing our wedding cakes. i already placed my order for my wedding with kak diana. She also did my engagement cuppies and i was more than satisfied with her work. really hope she will do an excellent job on my wedding cake as well. and ouhhhh, btw, wedding cake saya ditaja oleh my best gal! thanks baby girl! muaahhhh!

which one u love?

1114 hrs

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

a breath of fresh air


another new blog. blog yang lama under wordpress asyik takleh bukak je so saya nekad beralih arah ke blogspot semula walaupon personally i always  prefer wordpress.


but, i can always use a breath of fresh air. till then.
take care.

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